The 'Dark Side'… Makes its appearance. Part II

Fern's words in the cafeteria caused Aey to stay silent. She did not talk to Fern when both were sitting together and doing homework in the multipurpose room. Fern was not that stupid to not know that Aey was strange. Fern was sure it was from her statement in the dining hall.

“Aey… I also have my dark side.”

“Huh?” asked the other, startling and raising an eyebrow.

“I’m going to be honest with you. I don't really sorry for Lang’s death. That's because I've only been here for a week. Especially, I didn’t have any good memories of those three girls for the past week. Sometimes I'm satisfied with it. I want that witch to die. It's like a flash of rage that you used to have when you were going to curse the Blood Mirror on Bam. I'm not a saint...I'm not a nun. I have a dark side. I have my evil inside. And I believe everyone has it. It’s just who will let it out less or more... Do you understand me?” Fern tried to explain herself to her best friend.