Have a Sweet Dream... and Rest in Grave! Part III

“Sister Veena…” Ja called out to Sister Veena, who was sitting at the table reading a book. She put the book down and walked towards Ja on the bed.

"What's up, Ja... Are you getting better?"

“Not at all, I feel so cold… like I’m freezing. I'm chilled to the bones," said Ja, her mouth trembling while her face was shockingly pale. Sister Veena put her hand on Ja's forehead, and her eyes grew big because Ja's body was so hot. Ja’s fever was so high that Sister thought she had to be rushed to the hospital.

“Your fever is very high. I’m going to tell Sister Margaret to take you to the hospital by the school’s car. Wait for me here first, can you bear it?"

"I can, Sister, but can I have another blanket? I'm cold."

“Okay, better be an electric blanket to warm you up. Give me a moment.” Sister Veena hurriedly walked to the locker and picked up the electric blanket to cover the student. She plugged it in and adjusted the temperature for Ja. “Okay…is it warming up a bit?”