The Truth that Only Three People Know! Part II

“Let them know that between a girl and a ghost… who will win!”

After speaking, she threw Bam's heart to the ground and used her foot to crush the heart until it was utterly crushed to the ground. The girl laughed like a maniac before running down the stairs. But with her carelessness, Aey slipped and rolled down the stairs so hard that she fell on the floor. The girl felt a sharp pain in her right hand as if a bone had shattered. Turning to look, she saw that her arm was broken to the point that an ivory bone had penetrated through her student's shirt. But this was not the time to pay attention to her pain... She had to flee and ask for help before those bitches came and killed her.

Aey got up and slowly ran towards the dormitory. Sister Victoria was there... The older woman could help her. The girl ran as fast as her own strength would allow. Her eyes still glanced behind her as she was afraid that someone would follow. That was it... The dorm was right in front of Aey!