An Old Friend? Part II

“What happened to your car, Miss?”

A man's voice sounded from behind Sipang, who jumped in shock before turning to look at the owner of the voice. He was a clean white man. His built body was in a junior official's uniform. His short hair was neatly combed. Next to him, there was a trusty motorcycle parked.


“Hey… Pang!”

His eyes widened with excitement at the sight of Sipang. This made the girl stunned for a moment. Did this guy know her too? And did she herself know him? Who was he? Many questions flooded through her brain and showed through her eyes.

“So… Do we know each other?”

"Nonsense... you've been gone for almost two years. Suddenly, you haven't been to the Plumeria House." The young man smiled and walked over to pat her shoulder lightly. The girl hurriedly backed away cautiously in distrust.

“Sorry… I don't remember you.”

“What kind of joke is that?… I am Phu, Phupha, your friend. Don't you remember?"