Crazed Night Part I

The sound of thunder awakened Sipang...

The girl felt so much pain in her stomach that she wanted to cry. Her hands were now tied behind her back, and so were her feet. Hence, she could not escape from her bedroom. Her mouth was also duck-taped to prevent the girl from screaming. Her life now was definitely in Athip’s hands. The girl could only blame herself for making a mistake and probably losing her last chance to escape from this Plumeria House. He would never spare her life because she found out his secret.

The key was clanging in front of Sipang's bedroom before the door was opened by the man who walked in with a tray of simple dinner. It was omelet rice with orange juice.

“Are you awake, Pang?”

Athip brightly asked Sipang. There was no sign of shame or remorse for what he had done on his face. Sipang struggled to break free from the rope that he had tied to her but failed.