I Was the Cause of Misery…Not Him! Part I

Around fifteen minutes past midnight, Athip's beautiful sedan stopped at a red light. Sipang was sitting and eating snacks beside him comfortably. He looked at his girlfriend contentedly and was about to reach out for some snacks. Nonetheless, Sipang snatched her snack bag away and pretended to be possessive of the snack as if it were her treasure.

“You can’t eat mine.”

“Pang…It’s just a snack.” The boyfriend pouted his lips while Sipang cheerfully laughed and fed him her snack. The couple giggled in delight as they waited for the red-light countdown.

The truck in front of Sipang did not have a particularly beautiful license plate number but its province, which was 'Prachuap Khiri Khan', caught her eye. Seeing that, Sipang turned to her boyfriend and started another conversation.

“I think that we haven't been back to the Plumeria House for a long time. Shall we go this Saturday?"