“Don’t cry, Rada. Let’s say that it’s Orn-arin’s time so she doesn’t have to work day and night like us.” Boss tried to find a good solace to comfort his girlfriend, but it seemed to be a very silly consolation for the listener. Rada flashed her boyfriend with angry eyes before speaking out in displeasure.
“If I could rest in such a tortured death, I'm willing to stay at work. It's better to toil ourselves away like this.” After finishing speaking, she shook her head and walked the other way, leaving Boss scratching his head. He did not really understand the mood of the woman beside him. Without anyone knowing that Boss was secretly sweating with panic. He was afraid that someone would catch on to his suspicious reaction or that he had witnessed the whole incident. He would never tell anyone that he saw that ski-masked intruder. Considering all the benefits he was about to receive, be it freedom or money; the young man would definitely never risk it!