Personal Matters (If You Still Want To Make It Alive, Don't Get In the Way!) Part II

Within the not-very-large square room, there was 'someone' standing in front of a full-length mirror. On the head was a ski mask while the body was only loosely wrapped in a bathrobe. The person stared at the reflection before slowly taking off the coat and looking at such a strange body with bitter admiration.


Bitter admiration?

What did that mean?

The body that appeared in the mirror in front was a normal female body. She had typical feminine breasts. It was only the penis growing out of her body, that was all...Nothing else!

She had a penis in a woman's body!

Her mother used to tell her that...

Inside the patient's room, her mother gradually opened her eyes after fainting due to a long night of childbirth. As soon as she regained consciousness, the mother cried out for her own child. Nurse Koi, who had just started her work as a nurse, brought the baby to the mother and congratulated her.

"Congratulations, madam... you've got a daughter."