Happy Deathday! Part II

“Uh… hello.”

“What are you doing alone late at night?” she asked, Gun still confused, unfamiliar with talking to a stranger girl.

“Just chilling, you live in the house next door, right?"

“Yes, I live here with my father, and…” She sounded despairing, as if unable to say what she was going to say, “Stepmother.”

Her eyes were visibly sorrowful. There must have been something that made her uncomfortable. As a new acquaintance, it was highly inappropriate to ask any more profound questions…One must have personal boundaries.

"And you are..."

“I’m Gam,” she introduced herself.

“I'm...Gun. Gam, have you been here for a long time?” asked the young man, trying to start a conversation. The girl next door nodded.

“I have been living here since it was newly built, probably ten years.”

“Could I ask you a question, Gam? Would you mind answering?"