Last Night for the Ghost Challengers! Part III


An untraceable laugh rang out, causing Zen to startle. The man swept his gaze around once more. Suddenly, the four souls slowly began to appear before Zen. The four of them stood glaring at the intruder and laughed heartily. The young man flinched, fell back, and looked at them in shock.

"Get out! It's not your business! Get lost!” The male spirit with a bulky body roared in displeasure at Zen.

Zen’s body trembled. His mouth quaked uncontrollably. The young man stepped slowly backward. His eyes glanced at the coffin with Chaplu's body inside, deciding whether to survive by himself or risk going to save the other. While pondering, a voice in his own mind rang out. He remembered that he had heard a senior medical student tell him something…

“I heard the nurses say that if they saw a ghost who wouldn't go anywhere, just curse them, curse them till the end. They guarantee that the ghost will not dare to bother again.”