Or She Comes Back For Revenge? Part I

Today, New had finished his class at 1 p.m.; however, he was still hanging around in the university. He did not want to go back to the condo and stayed there by himself. So, he would wait for Rit who had another afternoon class, and then go back to the condo together. It was like people said ‘Two heads are better than one’.

“Achoo!” The young man sneezed loudly. He felt himself having a slight fever after drowning in the pool last night. The near-death event continued to frighten him. Many questions arose in his mind as to why he felt like someone drowned him. Someone who did not physically exist. He was not crazy...or hallucinated. It was not cramping as that girl understood. But who would believe him if he told them that? Even Rit thought he was hungover after he told the friend that!