Dancer Puppet of Death! Part I

Amidst the dark night mist, there was nothing indicating where this place was on earth. Khao merely knew that it was absolutely terrifying. Moreover, the temperature around her was frigid. The girl tried to walk through the mysterious mist while calling somebody to help her. However, there was no single reply as if she was the last living being in this world.

“Is anybody here? Help me, I’m lost.”

The girl aimlessly wandered in the dark. All of a sudden, a ray of light glowed from one direction. It was so bright that the girl needed to squint her eyes. What Khao saw was a royal horse racing toward her like it wished to take her life. The girl stumbled and scattered away for her life; however, she eventually failed to flee from it. Khao turned around to look behind to see the horse raise his front legs up, ready to crush her to the ground. The girl shut her eyes. This would be the end of her life…
