Fortunately, Ploy was still not far away. The young woman hurriedly drove back to New's condo in a short time. With the utmost nervousness, she tried to drive around to find her lover. But no matter how many times she searched for him, she could not see her boyfriend until she had to park the car and walk out to find him. Suddenly, she saw someone crouched in the phone booth, so she went to look. Seeing that the person was New, she hurriedly opened the phone booth and then called the other party in shock.
“New...what happened? Why are you sitting in here?”
“! Let me go! Get lost!” shouted the young man as he was trying to block the other party from getting close to him until Ploy had to call her boyfriend a few more times, so he came to his senses.
New looked up... Seeing that it was Ploy, he hugged her in a panic.