Wow! What a goal

After Lucas stepped onto the field, De Bruyne immediately passed the ball to him.

While others may not be aware of Lucas's incredible abilities but De Bruyne, who had experienced himself the amount of torture by defending him knew it all too well. He can easily bypass with you different methods easily.

Upon receiving the ball, Lucas swiftly sprinted down the wing.

The opponent's left midfielder, wearing the No. 13 jersey, quickly moved forward to defend.

Noticing Lucas's relatively young age and his thin body, the opponent held a condescending attitude. So, he had a different idea in his mind regarding Lucas's immature face.

As he approached Lucas, the opponent began to taunt him with derogatory remarks:

"Boy, the football field isn't suited for little boys like you. You should stick to play in little boys league!"

Lucas glanced at him, smiled, and responded, "I'll begin by passing you on your left side!"

What? This audacious kid!

How dare he challenge him like that!

Before he could reply, the opponent observed Lucas's right shoulder slightly sinking, his body tilting to the right, and the ball came to his right foot.

Opponent thought, Lucas is trying to break through from his left side!

The Cottbus winger instinctively positioned himself to block the left-side breakthrough, determined not to let his opponent pass through that way.

He couldn't afford to let this guy defeat him!

However, just as he expected Lucas to break through on the left, the ball swiftly returned to Lucas's left foot. Meanwhile, Lucas had already adjusted his center of gravity the moment he touched the ball!

Damn it, he tricked me! He's aiming to break through on my right side!

In response, the winger did his utmost to readjust his body, throwing himself towards the right side in a contorted posture, attempting to stop or atleast interfere Lucas's breakthrough.

Yet, as he rushed to the right, he discovered that Lucas again did a fake body feint and change his centre of gravity!

Damn it, I fell for it!

No. 13 instinctively try to stop him again, but his body gave up and he falls on the ground and left embarassed.

He raised his head and looked behind, only to find Lucas already advancing into their own half.

He literally played me, passing himself to his left!

"Damn it, what is that idiot Kommur doing? How could he allow a sixteen-year-old brat to easily pass him?"

The coach of Cottbus witnessed their main left midfielder being effortlessly bypassed by the opponent with just a few touches of the ball.

The head coach of the team became furious!

Meanwhile, on the home team's coaching bench, as they witnessed Lucas's smooth dribbling on the field, head coach Schaff and the two assistant coaches exchanged glances and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"This kid... there's something different about him when he performs dribbles and bypass others!"

"Yes, I feel the same way. Other players strive to succeed by performing various fancy moves and putting in tremendous effort. But for him it's like...

it's as natural as breathing for him!"

"In front of him, defensive players are like mere obstacles, playing no significant role at all!"

"I was concerned that his exceptional breakthrough, he could only performed in training.

However, I never expected him to perform them in the competition the same way he did in training, and he did so effortlessly, without any hesitation or fear!

Hehe, I've also noticed that this kid possesses a level of maturity beyond his years!"

"Although Lucas only made a breakthrough after stepping onto the field, everyone on the coaching bench completely placed their trust in him.

They were already aware of Lucas's technical abilities, and their only concern was whether he would have the courage to employ these abilities during the match.

Witnessing Lucas fearlessly showcase his extraordinary skills has alleviated their worries."

"Out of the three players on loan, two have either met or exceeded our expectations.

This pleasantly surprised the coaching staff, leading them to harbor greater hopes for the upcoming season.

While aiming to secure our position in the league, can you imagine achieving a breakthrough in the cup as well?"

"In the live broadcast room, following Lucas's debut and breakthrough, some of the Bremen fans got excited by watching his simple yet effective breakthrough.

"As Lucas broke through the opposition's full-back, Cottbus's midfielder swiftly closed in on him. Simultaneously, the left-back stepped forward to block his path with the ball, prepared to co-operate with the midfielder in stopping his attack and launching an instant counterattack."

"Undeterred, Lucas maintained his speed and continued to dribble forward.

When the opponent stretched out their foot to intercept, he skillfully evaded them with a lateral pass, cutting inside towards the opponent's penalty area."

"This alerted the two central defenders of Cottbus to converge upon him.

At this juncture, he must not be allowed to pass the ball, as any successful pass would enable the opponent's striker to directly aim for the goal upon receiving it."

Although forward Nils Petersen, currently on loan from Bayern, lacks strong shooting skills, he compensates with exceptional flexibility in his movement and positioning on the field.

During this particular moment, Petersen had already identified a gap in the opponent's penalty area.

Filled with anticipation, Petersen stretched out his arm and gestured fervently, desperately pleading in his mind, "Pass the ball, pass the ball, pass the ball!"

Unfortunately, Lucas, facing a double-team, couldn't perceive Petersen's hand gesture, and even if he had seen it, he might not have been able to make the pass given the circumstances.

Ahead of Petersen, the opponent's defenders crowded the area, leaving no visible openings whatsoever!

Recognizing that his team's central defender had successfully blocked the opponent's attacking route, the chasing midfielder swiftly made a sliding tackle.

Even if it resulted in a free kick for the opposition in the front half of the field, it was essential to display a degree of aggression, preventing the opposing player from displaying such audacity again.

However, astonishingly, Lucas seemed to possess eyes in the back of his head.

As he executed the slide tackle, he skillfully hopped, evading the opponent's interception.

In professional football, players like Messi often fall victim to sliding tackles from defenders. With eight years of experience.

Lucas, having followed Messi's career closely, had anticipated the opponent's intentions.

Nevertheless, due to Lucas's evasion of the tackle, the ball ended up slightly out of his reach.

This provided an opportunity for the opponent's full-back to attempt a ball recovery, promptly extending his leg in an effort to intercept.

Yet, just before he made contact with the ball, Lucas executed a quick kick, swiftly dislodging the ball.




  The full-back who couldn't hold his feet kicked Lucas, which made Lucas stagger.

  The referee has put the whistle in his mouth, and as long as Lucas falls down, he will blow the foul whistle.

  The opponent didn't touch the ball just now, but kicked someone. It was an unmistakable foul. He could see it clearly nearby.

  But adhering to the principle of favorable offense, before Lucas completely lost control of the ball, he did not blow the whistle immediately.

  Before falling down, Lucas supported the grass with his hands, then stood up quickly, and grabbed the ball before the opponent's central defender destroyed it.

  At this time, his dribbling line has changed from vertical dribbling to horizontal dribbling.

  Another centre-back saw that he was about to enter the penalty area and immediately ran towards him, trying to shoulder him or push him out of position, thereby losing control of the ball.

  However, Lucas's body gave way to the right, avoided the opponent's impact, took a big step forward, and entered the penalty area.

  At this time, only the opponent's right back and goalkeeper are left in front of him.

  Cottbus' right back did not dare to foul in the penalty area. He put his hands behind his back, stared at the ball at Lucas's feet, and was ready to block it at any time.

  Lucas looked at the goalkeeper's position, dialed the ball to the right, accelerated suddenly, and broke through diagonally to the right of the goal.

  This move was too fast, and the opponent's right back couldn't keep up with the rhythm, and immediately lost his defensive position, and had no choice but to fall to the ground and shovel.

  If this ball is shoveled, then he is the hero of the team.

  If he didn't tackle the ball but kicked someone, then he would definitely will get a red card and immediately become the team's sinner.

  The goalkeeper saw that Lucas bypassed the last defender and was ready to hit the goal at any time.

  So he squatted down immediately, with his hands drooping, and quickly stepped forward to block the opponent's shooting angle while making preparations for the save.

  At this time, Lucas, who was advancing at full speed, did not have much time and angle to adjust his body posture.

  So he can only shovel the ball on the ground before the goalkeeper completely seals the angle.

  The ball rolled from the right side of the goalkeeper at an extremely fast speed. The goalkeeper subconsciously blocked it with his foot, but it was still a step late.

  Looking back, the ball has rolled into the goal and is rolling in the net.

  Almost everyone on the sidelines, the home team and the visiting team's bench and the coach's bench stood up, staring at Cottbus's goal dumbfounded.

  This goal reminded them of Messi's unimaginable goal in the 2010-2011 UEFA Champions League semi-final match between Barcelona and Real Madrid!

  Never thought that someone could copy it!

  (end of this chapter)

Do u remember Messi's goal against Madrid in El-clasico?

Busquets got the easiest assist in the game ever.

Btw did u enjoying the novel so far?