At the center, she was introduced to the person who runs the racing competition.
Aklas Drauk high Lord and one of the most popular and powerful Gents there is in Xylo.
"Aklas," Sarah whispered when she heard the name, it sounded familiar. She tried hard to recall but couldn't.
A messenger was sent from Dwak to ask her to return by order of Gwaka Kaicon.
"Geez, why is he always after me?" Sarah expressed her sadness.
Aklas later got information from his wife about Sarah after she left. He was upset and threw the chair he sat on across his enamor bedroom and roared at her.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier."
"I need to find a way to meet with her and talk to her before she blabbers to Kaicon about my involvement in her being here." He whispered to himself.
Sarah's dad went through all of his daughter's journals and even invaded her privacy by going through her diary.
In her diary, he came across a part where she said that she received a message from an alien or maybe it was just another joker, she wasn't sure and after that, she didn't write anything else in her diary.
When he saw this, he immediately went to the police station with her diary.
Sarah lied to General Kaicon again and left the palace with her maids, this time with a guard. She was restless after hearing the name Aklas and wanted to confirm her suspicions.