Strange Development

As the group was moving, they finally realized the changes that had happened outside. Previously, as they moved, not only did they encounter several survivors that were still looking for supplies, but they would always encounter a large number of zombies.

As long as they made any loud sound, a group of zombies was bound to be attracted towards them. But now, as they moved in the water, it kept making a lot of noise, but nonetheless, they did not see even a single shadow of a zombie.

This kind of development was strange, but at the same time, they were reminded of the time that they had met with the mutated zombie.

At that time, all the zombies in the surroundings had dispersed. Consequently, they did not know what was going on, so, they were caught off guard by the mutated zombie.

Having already learnt their lesson, all of them suddenly became much more careful of their surroundings. At the same time, Jasmine began getting worried about her brother.