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What had appeared in front of them was yet another goblin. But unlike the ones that they were facing before, this one was about 3m tall. Just the muscles on its body was intimidating enough for the group.

In its hands, it was carrying a big mace. And the moment that it landed on the ground, all the goblins that were continuously attacking the group simply retreated, but made sure to surround them, not giving them a chance to escape from here.

"Keke. This is just going to be fun. I previously thought that humans are so weak, but now, you have proved me wrong. I have been watching you fight all this while, and have to say the least, I am impressed. So, that implies that, we are not going to get something fragile, but we can get something that is going to hold on for a long time." The goblin stated in a heavy and almost vibrating voice.

And as he spoke, he looked at the group, his gaze mainly focusing on the ladies present in the group.