Terror of the Ice Prison

The two attacks finally landed. And the moment that they did so, it was as if time had suddenly stopped. The air even froze for a moment, before an explosion suddenly echoed into the air.

The huge bone mace wielded by the goblin landed heavily on the shield that had been formed by lightning summoned by Jasmine.

Due to the fact that she had used almost all the energy present in her body to form that shield, at least, the attack was blocked. But, there was also the fact that, lightning was not known for defensive capabilities, but rather, it was well known for its ability to destroy.

So, even though it managed to block the attack of the goblin, Jasmine was still blasted backwards. At the same time, she felt that her internal organs were churning, and, she felt that blood was rising to her throat. Had she not prevented it from continuing to raise, then, she would have puked blood.