Mental Attack


The Scorpion screeched once again. Rather than frustration, this time, the shrieking was more due to the pain that it was experiencing.

As the thick cloud of dust finally began dissipating, the figure of the scorpion was revealed. Unlike the previous times that the scorpion was completely unharmed, this time, the carapace was done apart in one of its pincers.

Although the injury that the scorpion had suffered was not that big, but, it was so deep that Olivia and Adam could see the flesh that was beneath the carapace.

Just as the scorpion was about to continue shrieking, another arrow shot towards it. Diana who had just appeared did not seem to have the intention of giving the Scorpion a chance to escape.

As she released the elemental arrow, several arrows dived towards the scorpion. And when the scorpion saw this, it waved its pincers to block the attacks.