Jake's End

"Since you are pushing me this far, then, you will have to pay the price for this. I no longer care about my plans, I'm going to activate it right now." The other soul that was trying to dominate Chris's original soul stated angrily.

Immediately after saying that, Chris's skin suddenly began peeling off. Blood began surging out of the body, soaking the seat on which he was sitting on.


At the same time as this was happening, Chris began screaming in agony. This time, the one that was screaming was Chris's original soul, and not the possessor. It was as if he was undergoing a lot of pain at the moment.

At the same time, in the battlefield between the two souls, one of them was shining brightly, a purple light easily lighting up the surroundings. Chris's soul on the other hand was being burnt by this light.