
The helicopter approached, but, it could not get too close to the building. So, that implied that there was no way that they were going to take the group away, unless they went to the roof of the building.

But with the zombie currently blocking the entrance, although the captain was not sure about the reason why the zombie was not attacking, but still, he believed that the zombie was not going to allow them to leave.

With that thought in mind, he moved towards the floor to ceiling window, before he attacked. Although the glass was sturdy, it was not capable of handling the pressure and force of a bronze rank mutant warrior.

Bang! Shatter!

The spear that he was wielding clashed with the glass, and the window shattered into several glass shards that dropped towards the ground. The zombies that were unlucky enough to have the glass fall on them were wounded, while some of them even died due to their low levels.