Other Races Descend

While Henry was inside the dungeon leveling up, changes had also suddenly began occurring outside the dungeon.

Out of nowhere, several portals began opening. And, out of these portals, several different races began pouring out. Their numbers could only be estimated, but still, they were so high.

There were goblins, orcs, elves, ordinary monsters, and other creatures belonging to different races. All of them looked relieved, and at the same time, excited to explore the new world that they were being exposed to.

It was just that, these races did not appear in the same place. But instead, they appeared in different parts of the world. And, coincidentally or not, wherever a certain race appeared, there were the people of the same race as them waiting for them.

Most of the time, the moment that these members of the new races that had appeared came over, they began attacking the humans in case there was any city present around.