Raga city, Livingstone

Just as expected, Henry realized that the terrain had already changed after the descent of the second stage of the apocalypse. Currently, there was no determined road that they could actually use in order to reach the next city, which was Rago.

Due to the overgrowth of the vegetation, the roads had already been destroyed. Additionally, it was not strange to find that there were areas that had a forest covering the entire road and the surrounding areas, and, from time to time, they would find that that was actually a hill in a place that it was not supposed to be there.

Of course, all this information came from Olivia. She had already been in Crystal City before, so she was possessing information about Rago city.

For that reason, Henry decided not to follow the directions that he was being given by Olivia. Instead, he waited for Olivia to point the general direction of Rago city. After that, he used the system navigation maps to move in that direction.