Approaching Danger

"Are you an idiot or what baldy? We have already lost the puppets that we created recently. Right now, we need more people that we can use to create puppets. And this group is not that bad." A lady with unnaturally long hair stated.

"Oh, I never thought of that. But, this is actually a good idea. Perhaps we should be able to nurture them into good puppets. At that time, we would definitely be able to complete the mission that we have been given earlier and on a higher scale." The bald head responded excitedly.

"But the problem is that, we really don't have those that can fight them. Those puppets that we came over with and created were the only ones that we had. We have already cleared all the monsters from this place. So, it seems that we will have to do the work ourselves." The bulky guy stated a little dissatisfied.