2 vs 1

"Let us make a move together. It seems that this group is actually a tough nut to crack." The lady spoke. And after she finished saying that, the hair that was tied behind her suddenly began swaying.

In the next moment, the lady began walking forward. Of course, she had already witnessed what Adam had done to the bulky guy. So, she was not willing to engage with Adam in close combat.

Instead, she was intending to attack from a distance. But at the same time, she was also keeping an eye on the group that was standing behind. But, what surprised her was the fact that even though the two of them were actually making a move at the same time, the group behind Adam did not make a move.

From the expressions on their faces, it was clear that they did not even pay much attention to the two of them. Instead, they were actually looking around, trying to see if there was anybody that was going to attack them.