Transformation (2)

Externally, Henry's muscles began bulging. At this point, the bulging of his muscles could be seen with the naked eye. And as his body size increased, so did his height.

The increase this time was way above the time that he had used the fusion skill together with Diana. At that time, although it was true that the size of his muscles and the height of his body had increased, but, it was not as compared to the one that he had experienced this time.

It was a good thing that the armor that Henry was putting on was capable of expanding according to the size of the wear. For that reason, it was able to expand with him, or otherwise, it would have already been torn from the inside by his sheer body size, or if it could not do that, then, Henry would have been suffocated by the armor.

Currently, the size of Henry's body had increased to the extent that it had already surpassed Adam who was the one that possessed the huge stature amongst the entire group.