Alex's Choice

Still, Alex looked at Henry and asked, "Should I continue utilizing the second ability, or should I use the first ability so that they don't have the memories of the time that they were zombies?"

Henry thought about it for a moment before he finally came to a decision. "Just utilize the second ability. Currently, we are in a tight situation. So, it is better that those humans that are going to recover maintain the full strength that they possessed during the time that they were zombies. This way, humans would have a chance in this apocalypse."

Of course Henry understood that the decision that he had made was extremely cruel, especially to those that possessed weak willpower. But what could he do?

Currently, in the apocalypse, sometimes a person had to be cruel in order to be able to get what they wanted. And right now, the only way to increase the manpower that the humans possessed was to turn the zombies that had the highest power level into humans.