Magic Waves, Windfury Blaster, Roaring Metal Cannon

After leading them to the north for a while, Erix told them to fly above the clouds and move towards the Northwest.

Seeing the ground from this height was usually impossible, but Erix had talent and skill.

He zoomed in while observing and identifying each aura.

'Now, if I can just inspect while zooming, it would be perfect,' Erix dryly thought despite knowing that this wish wouldn't get fulfilled.

After Erix arrived above the spot, he stopped. "Alright, we are at the location."

"You go attack the blondy and leave the ritual pool to me, "Erix said before he paused for a bit and adopted a serious expression, "You do know that you have to kill him quickly before he calls Railun, right?"

'Although I will drop my attack before that happens.'

"We know that. It will be hard to take on both Railun and that blond man, even for us three."

"Cool. Then go and have a blast."