Destructive Duo: Kenshin and Sameira! Fruitful Work!

After fighting for five hours non-stop, Erix, Kenshin, and Sameira killed tens of thousands of monsters!

Kenshin and Sameira's eyes had turned red because fighting without a break weighed heavily on their mind and spirit, especially because of their combat style that used concept powers.

'Flowing Roar.'

Sameira clasped her palms before she leaned back and quickly pulled back her palms while opening them like flowers, causing a potent amount of wind to condense with silverish-green layers that spun in the opposite direction of how the internal wind orb spun!

A second later, her entire body protruded veins, and she lurched her palms forward, causing the terrifying dual whirling orb to open as it released a potent three meters-thick laser-like projectile with shining silverish-green energy spiraling around it.