Meeting Tenebria again, Lilith's Interest

"I want some insights and epiphany in Limitless Plane if possible," Rin thoughtfully said before she formed words in her mind and continued.

"You can try to feel things and learn more about Metal Element in some islands rich with magical ores while I will roam in thunderous and lightning areas," Rin clenched her fists in determination as she added, "Let's try to reach level 2 in our affinities. I am sure it will give us a significant boost in power."

"Sounds good. We need more power to safely and dominantly establish ourselves here until it's time to leave," Erix nodded, his eyes laced with ice-cold determination. "Let's focus on that progress in Limitless Plane until we achieve it."

Closing their eyes, they meditated for a few seconds before they entered the Limitless Plane.

However, they were immediately greeted by a familiar avatar as they arrived in the sky above the vast ocean filled with islands.