Prepping Cavern, Erix's surprise?

"What's your name? Do you have a family?" Erix asked as he put away his gauntlet.

"M-My name is Klelia. I don't have family here, w-why?"

"What's your bloodline?" Lilith asked.

"Lotus Bunny Bloodline, It-it's a support-type," the Klelia said before she thought of something and hesitantly said, "If you want, then I can act as a support for your group. I have healings and buffs, and my class is very versatile when it comes to various types of support."

"Here are the cards, c-can I go now?" the man said as he presented seven Hunter Cards to Lilith.

Lilith twirled her finger as those Hunter Cards floated from his hand and went towards Klelia.

Klelia looked at Lilith in surprise.

"They are yours now. Welcome to the group," Lilith said with a smile and pointed at Erix. "But you'll support him with your body, not skills. Is that fine?"