Death Wraith

Rin and Lilith sparred for two hours after eating, and the score was interesting.


Lilith managed to hit Rin five times, while Rin hit her two times.

They were still sparring as the sound of clashing metals reverberated in the huge cave.

Both of them were moving all around the front area while their weapons clashed against each other.

If Rin initiated the attack, Lilith would deflect it and attack. When Lilith attacked, Rin would deflect it and attack.

After fighting for two hours against Lilith, Rin also managed to grasp some of her styles.

"Not bad…" Lilith smiled. Her holding her umbrella blurred and appeared before Rin's blade, which was about to strike her chest.

After Rin's blade struck her closed umbrella, Lilith opened it and pulled her hand back since Rin was still forcing.

However, a glint passed through Rin's eyes, and she immediately jumped back.