Beginning of First Mark! (8/8), Echoing Far & Wide! (1)

[A/N: Cooking begins]

Rin and Erix sat on a tree branch a hundred meter away from the raging river.

The destroyed forest in the area was magically recovering. The dark shade trees and plants of various dark colors automatically fixed again with no trace of previous destruction of the battle.

They had defeated a total of six Royal order hunters so far in the past five hours. Naturally, they only spent around ten minutes battling while they spent the rest on training and improving.

Although the fights were short, they were intense and tough, giving them ideas and refining their combat.

But they must complete their new skill technique and combat style before fighting the next two Royal-order hunters as they were more powerful, even slightly more powerful than Morgana and Zenia.

"Erix, let's spar for a bit."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same."

The duo floated with a hundred-meter distance between them.