Lovely Aria, Loving Aria (1)

After looting the underground chambers, the group left the city promptly.

They also confirmed a few things about Patron points.

Some gave higher patron points and some lower, with the minimum being 1 patron point.

Also, it seemed that the principle of getting patron points worked on a moral standing.

If they killed 'evil' people, they would get patron points. 

While the group was on their way to Pale Hunger Swamp in Lilith's airship, they began discussing this Patron point system.

"So, This 'Evil' seemed to depend on what Rin and Erix view as Evil, right?" Lily asked after taking a sip from the juice glass.

"I don't think so," Rin shook her head. "Granny May said that the points might be deducted based on our actions, so that means that we can't do something that is considered Evil or kill someone innocent according to some kind of standards."