Lilith's Revenge

Tower Master appeared in front of them for the first time, surprising them with his muscular balloon genie form.

"Call me Zerol. I overlook all Labyrinth Towers on your planet," Zerol said with a smile. 

"A genie, eh? Can you tell me how you became a genie or were you born like this?" Erix curiously asked.

"I was born like this, hahaha. Genie is a cosmic race and we live in Sprite Planets, which are different types of planets than this one. Ours are more gaseous and spiritual. You can't live there."

Zerol smiled, "At least, not with your current level of power."

"Interesting. How did you end up here?"

"To make it short, I did something, broke something, and was jailed. When your planet received Mystic Root's influence and manifested Labyrinth Towers, I became the Tower Master of your world."