Regalon Drive! (3), Nihilrend Voidflame Talonar

Erix's blood penetrated into Sangle's body and spread throughout, beginning the refinement of Regalon Drive.

Soon, Sangle also turned into a mystical black cocoon, with exquisite dark gold, red, and green patterns.

During the process of turning into the cocoon, it shrank to 3 meters tall and 1 meter diameter in area, adopting an egg shape.

"I can't wait to see what comes out of it," Aria said as she looked at the beautiful yet majestic patterned cocoon.

'Regalon Drive…' Erix narrowed his eyes. He knew that the transformation depended on him and the target, and he had tried in his way to direct the evolution.


First crack, second crack, and then the cocoon entirely dispersed into motes revealing a dark purple scaly feathered eagle with a throne on it.