Cosmic Treasure Arcade Center (1)

[Congratulations. The following is the first reward of Atlantis Leaderboard..]

Rank 1—Rin—5 x Mystic Apex Golden Treasure chests.

Rank 2—Erix—4x Mystic Apex Golden Treasure chests.

Rank 3—Isabella—3x Mystic Apex Golden treasure chests.

Rank 4 to 10 — 1x Mystic Apex Golden treasure chest.

Rank 11 to 50 — 3 x Mystic Apex Silver Treasure Chest.

Rank 51 to 100 — 1 x Mystic Apex silver treasure chest.

Rank 101 to 500 — 2 x Mystic Apex bronze treasure chest.

Rank 501 to 1000 — 1 x Mystic Apex bronze treasure chest.

"Seems like a new type of treasure chest."

"Wish I had gotten golden. What kind of rewards would be on those treasure chests?"

Everyone was talking and enthusiastic as many opened their treasure chests upon getting them in their inventories.

But the notification continued after two seconds.