Phase of Progression, Condition

'But master, the condition is them being able to complete 3rd stage of Way of Unfettered. If they can't do that, then we shall not invite them.

Tenebria wryly smiled, 'They will definitely pass.'

'Humph, then we will come after they finish that stage! You should remember that this 3rd stage is the main reason why our Cosmic Faction is ranked last here. It's too hard!'

'Fine,' Tenebria smiled. 'I am sure it won't take them long.'

'Hehe, but I am not sure. Let's see what happens.'

Tenebria and her apprentice didn't linger longer. 

Meanwhile, everyone fully focused on training and progressing using resources.

Labyrinth Tower's floors had been modified after Mystic Root left with the last 100th floor requiring a Power Level of 450,000.

Erix and Rin had used up their insight scrolls, so they used the Elemental Crystals they earned from the recent Labyrinth Tower floor clearing after they woke up after a day of rest.