Fight (2/2)

Erix started killing the Zigus Insects one by one, but the others were not idle!

Rin, Aria, and Isabella, all three of them were killing the insects while moving around in their ways.

Rin was her Blade Hunt skill's slashes to destroy Insects quickly while flying on her Heavenly Nimbus Shen to swiftly move around.

She had a movement-type ability as well, but in terms of showing the pure agility of speed, Heavenly Nimbus Shen was better than her skill.

She was like a flash of lightning, traveling around and easily dodging the lasers and attacks of the Inspects while releasing her Blade Hunt's slashes.

As she streaked across the cave, she slashed with her Raibor Power Slime-katana, releasing a thin dimly sparked slash that struck an insect and instantly spread circularly as the slash itself bent after striking it!