
Drenched Chapter 2 [E02S01]

The thick smoke hovering above the 'badlands'....

'Kamarou Horonai' sends a signal to "Zunkai Bakurama' using a distress bird (there are many there are many distress animals, which function as beacons,Markers and sometimes messangers..) Zunkai Bakurama' confirms the signal.

> Zunkai Bakurama' ; Ziki Kuzune, Chiriku Karma, Bane Xicz, Sheren Yoro,Kira Kun and Jon Sharai'...(hands them emerald rings), these are communication charms,they were made by our greatest inventor 'Nezuko Dee' (also known as the wizard of the future {WOF})...

you will all keep in contact using these emerald rings, this is how you will all give status report to me and how I would pass down orders...

I'm sure commander 'Kamarou Horonai' would have been done giving he's to his selected team leaders

> Kamarou Horonai' ; any questions?

> Danzo twins (Hoshima Danzo & Cazu Danzo) ; Yes commander ! You know we don't need these charms right..?

> Kamarou Horonai' ; yes Hoshima and Cazu, I'm aware of your abilities, but you won't be communicating between yourselves alone,you twins I mean, you'll need them to communicate with the others as well ,and I'd give orders through them . You're abilities are limited to only the two of you

> Tama Miraku' ; if these emeralds are used for communication, why did you use a 'distress bird's ? We could have saved it , and used the charms

> Kamarou Horonai' ; (chuckles..) these charms have to be worn at precisely the same time or within 10 seconds time interval , if not, it might not work.

Okay enough questions, move into positions...

> Kamarou Horonai' ; get your rides and gears ready

> Mukazu ; bring the 'two foot's '

The two foot is a creature bird like, peacock like, ostrich like all combined,it's huge and really swift making it suitable for battle. They are known through out history,they never get old and have been passed down from generation to generations of warriors, each 'two foot' has its own special abilities suiting it's bearer...

> Zunkai Bakurama' ; Kamarou Horonai' can you hear me?

> Kamarou Horonai' ; yes Zunkai'

> Zunkai Bakurama' ; are you ready over there

> Kamarou Horonai' ; yes we are

> Zunkai Bakurama' ; you can tell your men to move in now, mine are ready as well.

> Kamarou Horonai' ; Okay then...

Alright ladies time to move out !!

> Everyone ; 'yes Commander' !!!

All twelve groups moving in ,72 in number, and over 300 with their commanders on standby as reinforcements.

The badlands contains 3 villages; Casuniwah ,Suniwacah & Niwahcasu and a forest being the origin of the name badlands,the forest was called badlands until these three villages were created over time, the entire 'West' was generalized as 'the badlands'.

It rapidly became home for outlaws, making it the most dangerous place in the world...

As the North and South fort fleet approached from their destinations, the sky became darkened, giving in to the night.

Each group, giving mission report as they set up camp scattered, on the outskirts of the villages..

> Kiziki Jean' ;Mukazu

> Mukazu ; huh..? (turns with mild curiosity)

> Kiziki Jean' ; Since this things,the charms I mean,can let you communicate to the others, you should tell Sheren' how you feel (with intent of mockery)

> Mukazu ; (blushes)

> Tama Miraku' ; hope you boys don't plan on doing anything stupid, remember we're on a mission...

> Ho_Shiru ; what are you talking about Soldier girl...(everyone laughs)

I think Mukazu should tell her how he feels, after all you might not return ( with an evil smirk intending to scare Mukazu )

> Tama Miraku' ; Soldier girl..? Does that make any sense?? We're all soldiers..

> Kiziki Jean' ; huh..? You're still in past? You old geezer (laughs it out)

> Tama Miraku' ; you loud mouth....what about you, luckily enough she's right there

> Ho_shiru ; ha...(bursts into laughter)

> Ho_Shiru,Mukazu & Tama Miraku' ;

Come-on go get her...(chuckle,and laughter)

Kiziki walks up with pride, making his way to Hoshima, as he finally approached the Danzo twins..Cazu drags his sword against a rock...and said..

> Cazu Danzo ; don't even think about it !!

Kiziki got the message and swiftly fled the scene before he became the victim in a crime scene ...

Hoshima smiled While everyone else from the North frot fleet present at the arena laughed it out.

Meanwhile on the south, still setting camp,

(Bane Xicz' lays on the ground In the fields where they camped, looking at the stars....)

{Our sights redirected to the view Bane Xicz was enjoying}

[Music plays, image slowly fading away into the dark]

End of Episode2, Season1