
Drenched' Chapter 4 (S01E04)

ORIGIN OF THE 'Two Foot' ;

> A young boy asked his dad ; "daddy where do 'two foot' come from ?"

> His father ; It was a long time ago my boy, back in my days, I was like you kiddo, it was during the red night (the day if destruction ), a portal appeared in the badlands.

This shook all the Kingdoms, the skies became darkened as if there was a storm coming.As the soldiers and warriors of all Kingdoms came to attend to the threat in the skies, they had no idea a war was brought to them, Everyone stood quietly waiting curiously to see what was coming out of the magic beam that had appeared from nowhere.

(Breeze blows as the skies darkened more and more)...Horonai' the Supreme commander at that time asked Bakurama' the warrior of the south; "do you hear that..?"

There was an uproar of warriors coming from the other side of portal,all fired up and raging for battle...These unknown warriors came out in beasts including the "Two foot".

After the war, all the beasts were slain except for a "Two foot", she was badly injured,that was my first time seeing a beast. I was hid in the forest,that was where I saw it, it looked scared & concerned for something, so I followed it and I found out it was pregnant.

Have u ever seen one before kiddo...?

> Young boy ; Is that what it looks like ? (He pointed at section IV division

> His father ; huh..[switch View] (enterance gate: "Casuniwah" carved on the top of the gate)

> Mukazu ; you should all spread out in the village,we will meet here(enterance gate) at dawn with the III section division)...Let's go

As the III and IV sector division roamed about in the village(Casuniwah) searching for "Joma Kunkurai".

'Kiziki Jean' was lost in thoughts as to why 'Mukazu' snapped back at the camp, he also remembered what Ho_Shiru said before he left "men do crazy things for love"...so he smiled, and pondered in his mind, he must really be head over hills for 'Sheren'.

Back at 'Suniwacah village enterance' ;

>Tama Miraku' ; So we have arrived and as you all know by now failure to this mission won't be tolerated, so you are to cease 'Joma Kunkurai' as soon as you get the chance is that clear...?

> Sector I division; yes sir !!

> Tama Miraku' ; I'm counting on you

> Sector I division ; Yes sir !!

> Tama Miraku' ; Dedicate yourselves,your energy,your hearts....[Interrupted by 'Ho_Shiru']

> Ho_Shiru ; Oii... we've been standing here for over 40 minutes waiting for you to be done with your 'joke speech' soldier girl.

> Tama Miraku' ; I was jus..just..[Interupted again by Ho_Siru]

> Ho_Shiru ; are you trying to copy the commander's speech..?(Tama looking ashamed)....pfff, I knew it.... Okay I and II sector divisions, we are going to spread out in search of the out_law and we're to meet here by dawn, is that clear...??

> Sector I & II division ; yes sir !!

> Ho_Shiru ; alright then, let's move ..

Tama mummors to herself ("who does he think he is ? Coming here bossing me & my team around..?")

> Ho_Shiru ; I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that...mind speaking louder ? (With a smirk on his face)

Tama feeling more annoyed & disgraced.

['Welcome to Niwahcasu'] carved on a sign at the of the village. The V & VI sector division all standing still, awaiting orders from their squad leaders, the Danzo twins

Hoshima Danzo' /Cazu Danzo (in syncrony)

You know the plan and you know what is expected of you. Search the outlaw and return here by dawn..let's move!!

> Sector V & IV division ; mummoring amongst themselves " So it's true ,they can read each other's minds","no way they must have memorised this","you think they call them the 'Danzo Twins"; because the know how to memorize??" "Wow they're so cool"


> Ziki Kuzune' ; I can't believe I'm out here in the forest, when I could be in one of the villages,from what I heard 'Casuniwah' has the best beer collection...(sighs)

> Jon Sharai' ; I really don't think that's what you should be concerned about right now

> Chiriku Karma' ; I'm just glad I'm not on the same team or fort with 'Kiziki Jean'

> Bane Xicz' ; why do you hate him so much...?

> Chiriku Karma' ; cuz I heard he likes 'Tama Miraku' as well (being sarcastic)

> Bane Xicz' ; No way !!!

> Everyone Else ;(laughing at Bane's display of gullibility)

> Sheren Yoro ; It's official now, his brain has shut down for his heart to work...(smiles)

> Everyone Else ; (laughing it off)

> Jon Sharai' ; we're here!!.. this is where we would split up,(as he rides close to a tree and carves "start point" with the speed of light)

> Ziki Kuzune' ; show off (he smirks at 'Jon Sharai')...('Jon Sharai' smiles back)

> Jon Sharai' ; You boys know the drill, we'd be moving in 2 squads, so Squad A&B, Squad C&D and Squad E&F

> Kira Kun ; Since when did you become Commander of the South fort, to be giving us orders...?

Ziki,Chiriku,Bane & Sheren (laughs it out as they spread out..)