
Drenched E05S01 (II)

Blood dripping on the floor.... everyone in shock ...Cazu, sector V & VI division soldier, the villagers in their hiding places, Hoshima' the victim. She slowly looked to see if the wounds were on delicate places, but they were not, as she looked down she saw a familiar shadow next to her's as she leaned backward to see who it was...

Someone from the VI sector division ; is that ....Ki , Kiziki Jean' he caught the blade with he's hands

> Kiziki Jean ; Oi.. what's with the stiff faces, this isn't a staring contest you know..

> Hoshima Danzo' ; 'Kiziki..? How'd yo....u

> Cazu Danzo' ; Hoshima( he ran and hugged her)...are you okay?

> Hoshima Danzo' ; I'm fine.

>Cazu Danzo' ; What are you doing here ....?

> Kiziki Jean' ; Heyy , Come on now , you look greatful but you sound otherwise...( 'Cazu' completely engulfed in anger and disappointment of almost loosing Hoshima' ) come on now, cheer up I didn't expect you to be this 'so...(Cazu swiftly dashed at one of the dark warriors so fast it practically looked like he disappeared, before 'Kiziki ' was done speaking)...oft'.

Everyone back in shock except 'Hoshima'.

> Ho_shiru ; I guess he didn't need your help after all Kiziki...(giving a grin of criticism) 'show off' (he wispered positioned on a roof top)..

> Mukazu ; what exactly just happened, how is Cazu able to move that fast

> Tama Miraku' ; he's almost as fast as Ho_shiru.

> Ho_shiru' ; hey don't compare that 'slow-poke' to me... Soldier girl !! (he replied offended)

> Hoshima Danzo' ; his 'will gate'... he opened his 'will gate'

> Sector division ; Will gate..? What is..., is it really real ..? (They mumored amist themselves)

> Kiziki Jean' ; can we all go back to the point, where Cazu was fighting alone??

> Ho_shiru ; huh...? (Turn and look at 'Kiziki')

> Tama Miraku'; right !, let us give our strength, our ....(interrupted by 'Ho_shiru')

> Ho_shiru ; Quiet muscles...(as they ran towards the fight scene)

> Cazu Danzo ; why won't you die....(as he was broke a fall with his sword)

There was rage in his eyes, like someone who was avenging another's death ...As others joined in.

> Cazu Danzo' ; 'Kiziki' don't get in my way...!

Swords clashed..!!

> Kiziki Jean' ; ohh please...(he scoffed)

Wounds were made but non on the 'dark warriors' they were invinsible,

> Ho_shiru ; fall back !!

> Kiziki Jean' ; are you tired already, great and mighty Ho_shiru...? (mockery)

> Mukazu ; wait he has a point

> Hoshima Danzo' ; huh..? (breathing heavily)

> Mukazu ; I made a cut to the neck of one if them, my blade just passed through like it was air

> Kiziki Jean' ; I hardly a hit but when I do nothing seems to happen to them

> Mukazu ; hmmm ..The eyes, go for the eyes, they keep protecting their eyes (he said in sudden realization)

> Ho_shiru ; 'Kiziki' there's a reason they call me 'great and mighty'....keep them steady for me..okay let's do this.

'Cazu' tackled one of the dark warriors,it read his moves and avoided it, as it dogged 'Cazu's attack, 'Kiziki' attempted a false attack with his sword to it's face,the 'dark warrior' diverted the attack to swing towards 'Cazu' coming from it's back, 'Mukazu instantly made a 360° swipe taking the dark warrior to the ground. Just before it could hit the ground, ' Cazu' slided his knee under it's back and grabbed it's arms positioning for 'Ho_shiru'.... meanwhile at the same time 'Hoshima' was in combat with the other 'Dark warrior' distracting 'it' for 'Tama' to to knock him out from behind, buh things didn't go as planned as it dogged the intensive blow 'Tama' sent, grabbed her by the face and tossed her to a building window. Hoshima' swiftly saw an opening and stabbed it in the guts and tore it up to the top....buh it just turned towards her unaffected (bent it's neck sideways)... it attacked & came at her..


it's eyes were looking straight into 'Hoshima's...Tama had grabbed 'it' by the arms, she pressed down it's back against the ground causing constraints on the shoulder

> Tama Miraku' ; Now Ho_Shiru..!!!!

> Cazu Danzo' ; Do it .....!!

[Slash] (Ho_Shiru breathing softly)

> Kiziki Jean' ; woah that was....

> Ho_shiru' ; if you praise me, that will be belittling....so don't

> Mukazu' ; That's mean Ho_shiru

> Ho_ shiru' ; Atleast now he knows not to ever badmouth me... cuzI could cut him up (walking away)

> Kiziki Jean' ; thank you Mukazu'

> Mukazu' ; though you deserve it ( he turns his back)

> Kiziki Jean' ; I know..I know (sighs) buh not from him you know...

('Mukazu smiled but tries to hide it)

> Kiziki Jean' ;I know you all to well..I can tell you're hiding it ( he smiled) come on just let it out

> Kiziki Jean' ; we're Cool right?

> Mukazu' ; Something like that...(the both laughed it out..)

One of the sector division soldiers: lo..loo..look (he pointed towards where the 'dark warriors' were..as his hands shook)

Everyone turned in fear and disappointment that their efforts were useless, the 'dark warriors' stood up , everyone got ready for another go at it.

Just when they were prepared for the worst, it suddenly crumbled into dark matter and withered into thin air...

> Everyone' ; Woah, that's a relief (as the inhabitants of the village came out of hiding)

The villagers never knew what dark warriors looked like not until that day , so they praised the North-South alliance for saving the village...( Unknown to them the purpose of their arrival..)

> Kiziki Jean' ; well that's a relief (as the crowd kept cheering)

They rode off, out of the village to the fields where they camped...

[Fades black]

End of Episode 5, Season 1