014: Wooden Training Sword

"Whatever you mean, sir?" The blacksmith scowled at the shrewd young man.

As curious as he was, Wang Jun must hide his interest about the Heavenly Protocols Cao Hanjou had mentioned earlier. Though he could safely assumed that Heavenly Protocols was a set of codes whereas forcing the original inhabitants of this world to acknowledge the players with callsign: Adventurer. A speculative deduction that yet need to be proved.

However, dabbling with the past was not his reason he was recruited to become a villain in this game. He proceeded to the business at hand, procuring funds, weapons and supplies were his top priority if he wants to survive in this—dogs eats dogs—world. The rest… will surely present itself and come across eventually.

"Let me reiterate myself… I need weapons to protect myself, for one. And also, informations. I need a complete map, filled with the legends where I can find certain materials, herbs, beasts and so on. Factions, places, everything!"

Tang Mi glowered upon the young man, folded her well-built arms across her bountiful bosoms, fierceful as always. You could even see her lean, shredded muscles twitched occassionally as response of her emotional state she was in.

"Fine…" Tang Mi said. "You already have profound interest towards the twin, I reckon?"

Wang Jun nodded to affirm it.

"Don't you think those blades are far too early for your current level?"

"Indeed, however, it won't hurt to have a pair of fine blades safely stored under my name for future endeavor, right?"

"Well, if you have the money, I won't complaint. I'll also provide you with my own map's data. I can vouch for it's reliability had you find yourself in the wilderness."

Thus, the paperwork was signed by both parties, which stating Wang Jun will buy the [Blood Moon] and [Blue Lake] in one month relative to in-game time or less. Had him failed to buy those blades by the due day, Tang Mi has the rights to extort everything at his disposal equivalent to the twin blades' price.

Money was not an issue for Wang Jun, however, could he reach level 30 in one month, though?

Wang Jun perished the thoughts at once, shaking his head. He shouldn't set his bar too low, he had to aim high, he need to become the strongest, at least in this server. There were a hundred thousands players online in the [Server 1]. Many would aspired themselves as the Main Character of their journey, and eventually, someone who bore the [Hero] title shall emerge amidst the common players, the strongest of the litter if you would say.

Wang Jun aware he had to climb faster than anyone else, before the [Hero] climb to power.

"Happy to do business with you, Ma'am!"

"Likewise, thank you for your patronage, Sir."

Before Wang Jun see himself to the exit, he had intrigued once again by a wooden training sword that was lumped together with paper umbrellas in a rattan basket. It was quite withered if one would say, there were so many scratches yet still look sturdy enough to whack any daredevil who want to mess with Tang Mi.

Curious, he made a simple gesture to see its status window, white color, indicating the wooden training sword was just insignificant object.

[Indestructible Object]

[Simple Wooden Sword]

Wang Jun's eyes almost jumped out of his skull upon reading the status window.

"What the f—!? Indestructible Object?"

Meaning, this wooden sword is akin to accessories or for decoration purpose only. Like a building in many games that couldn't be destroyed no matter how.

Wang Jun touched the hilt, nudge it back and forth to confirm he could interact with it. He grinned from ear to ear as his index finger moved the sword, even if with a slight push. Wang Jun had the most, obvious idea, what to do with such object that can be used by players.

'Did the developer did it voluntarily and hide it in the plain sight? Well, there's only one way to find out!'

Wang Jun turned at Tang Mi, who was ordered Cao Hanjou around to help her arranging the Eldritch Woods inside the big forge to turn them into charcoals.

"Excuse me, Lady Tang Mi!"

"Yes?" The blacksmith answered, hands still busy arranging the woods.

"If you don't mind me asking, Is this wooden training sword for sale?"

Tang Mi glanced at the rattan basket where the wooden training sword was stored in.

"Oh, that useless wooden sword. It's not for sale, but if you want it, you can have it for a gold coin or two. That tousle-silver haired man in weird blue dress pawned that wooden sword at my front door for a few gold coins and there's no saying he would come back for it anytime soon."

Without further thoughts, Wang Jun tossed two gold coins and were caught by Tang Mi by one hand.

"Thank you!" Wang Jun left the shop immediately before they notice.


On the way to the [Trading Post] for selling the loots, he was bemused, wondering who was this, tousle-silver haired man in weird blue dress. But soon enough, he remembered about certain anime where the Main Character would invade another anime out of context or even roasted another MCs as he pleased.

Wang Jun smiled wryly with his own idea who's this person was. "Nah, its impossible, right? Right… its actually plausible that developer added this small easter egg details in the game to troll the players. They have unlimited budget to do so."

'Oh well, like I care!'

Thus, he trotted towards the [Trading Post] jovially after he hit a massive jack of trade. It feels like he had use thousands years worth of luck in one moment.

By the time he arrived there, Wang Jun sold the loots from those players he had slain and summed a total of 500 Gold Coins.

He reinvested the money in form of nice, silken cerulean robe which makes him looks like a noble from medieval china. The status window soon appeared in front of him after he swipe the thin air.

[Cerulean Sky Robe]

[All Defense: +5]

"Not bad! Not bad! I can live with it." Wang Jun scrolled the screen to see his overall stats and added the 10 Status Points Bonus he had not administrated earlier.


[HP: 520/520]

[DP: 220/220]

[STR: 45] [INT: 35]

[P.DEF: 35] [WIS: 25]

[M.DEF: 35] [LUCK: 10]

[DEX: 40] [CHARISMA: 45]

"That'll do for now! Hehe!"

While he was busy managing his stats points, a load shout suddenly erupted from the crowds, it was the guy who Wang Jun had killed earlier, the leader of the Tiger Claw Guild. Hou Yongyong!

Right now, he used a flashy looking avatar unlike before, presumeably using alternative account to log in into the server so he shouldn't wait for the respawn cooldown.

"Hey, you! Return my gears or else!" He rebuked at Wang Jun who stood in the corner, drawing all attentions towards him.