026: The Guardian Of The Forest

This scrawny old man reminded him of a certain character in the Dragon Beads anime, though he appeared to be a weakling, he was actually a Master and also a formidable warrior. The only downside though, the old man was a total freak and a big pervert!

Wang Jun wished this old man before him was a decent human being. But Wang Jun's assumption proved to be very wrong. In a flash, the old man was already standing in front of Mei Lan, gawking at her dynamite body.

"Hohoho! We have quite the specimen today. What's your name girl? How about a round of booze with me in the tavern, eh?"

"Eep!" Mei Lan jumped onto Wang Jun's back to dodge the old man's hands which tried to grope her front. "Grrr! You pervert!"

"Oy, Geezer! Stop messing around, please?" Sid Wang Jun, he was indeed agitated, but still trying to be polite, he tossed two gold coins to the geezer.

"Ahem! Pardon my insolence. My ancient habit is really hard to die." The old man faked a cough, he then put the gold coins into the inner pocket of his robe.

Still irritated by his antics, Wang Jun activated his [Demonic Fear], he focused his skill upon the old man. Subtle but enough to tell the old man who he really was.

"Hoo? A young demon, I see. Yohohoho! Today is going to be interesting! Say, do you perhaps, was being summoned by the 'one' who dwelled in the deepest part?"

Wang Jun nodded. "Yes... but how—"

"Say less. I understand your predicament."


In just a snap of fingers, the scenery around them warped abruptly, as if the time passage itself was fast forward. Thus, they had arrived atop a high cliff, protruding towards the vast and boundless valley below.

The cry of mighty, giant birds echoed in the air, a flock of Silver Winged Ravens flying above them. They might look small from below, but their real size was close to a family SUV car and that was for the smallest one, the flock leader, however, was even more frightening, its wingspan alone could cover an entire futsal arena.

In the dense foliage below them, various call from the Spirit Beasts who inhabits this Inner Zone even made the earth and trees shuddered in fear, the Long Neck poked its head just above the tree canopy while munching the young green leaves, while the smaller creatures scurrying around to avoid being trampled by its massive feet.

All in all, this breathtaking scenery was resembling a Jurassic era with a Chinese twist where the developer a.ka. The Goddess of Creation, Nüwa, had added many chinese mythology creatures here and there to inhabit this piece of heaven.

"We are here." Said the old man, brushing his long white beard.

"Woaaah! This place is totally different than the outer zone!" Amazed, Mei Lan tip-toed on her boots to see the farthest landscape, covering her hair banks with a hand to get a better view.

"Senior!" Wang Jun changed his tone to speak with the old man, acknowledging his strength and authority "Who are you, really? Perhaps, are you the guardian of this forest?"

The old man scoffed, "Me? Huh! I am nobody. Who I am is nothing of your concern, young demon. Most importantly, 'Her Majesty' is waiting for you in her lair. You see that rusty looking mountain? That's your destination!"

"O-okay? But how are we going to get down from here?" Mei Lan asked, she was shivering as she looked down the ragged cliff.

"Ah! Simply enough! You two have to take the Leap of Faith!"

"Leap of Faith?" Both of them said it in unison, as if they had shared the same brain cells, they soon imagined the iconic jump of the most famous assassin game above their head.

"I am joking." The old man said, wearing an innocent smile. But then his face turned grim in an instant. "But I am dead serious, the only way down is jumping from here."

"Wait what?" Again, the two said the same words in sync.

"Off you go then!"

The old men gave Mei Lan a simple nudge on her back and she was flying away and free falling down to the valley below.

"Uwaahhhh! Wei Fei!!!" Mei Lan cried out loud as she fell down.

"Hey! You old fart—"


As for Wang Jun, however, he wasn't so lucky even though his Luck points were quite high. The old man did the most famous Spartan Kick right onto his belly and sent him flying hundred of kilometers away.

"Enjoy your flight!" Shouted the old man.

"You old fart, bastard! I will kill you later! Mark my wooorrrdd!"

Wang Jun's famous last word fading away in the distance as he flew further away.

Satisfied, the old man tapped the dust away from his palms. "Hmph! My job here is done. But seriously, that young demon's body is so sturdy and hard! To think I fractured my own right foot into pieces by just kicking his belly..."

The old man let out a long sigh, he shook his head in annoyance and limped his right foot as he returned to the front gate.

"Scary... Too scary! If I let them level up in the Middle Zone, this young demon and the Catsith young lady would surely obstruct the balance of this Huelan Great Forest! Separating them should be enough to minimize the damage to the environment. Sigh… I clearly had gone senile and soft."



A loud booming sound echoed throughout the forest, smaller creatures fled the area as a young man landed upon the ground like a meteor, creating a sizable crater upon the impact.

Wang Jun coughed out the dust and dirt, he checked his body promptly, no wounds or dislocated joints and bones.

"That old fart really went all out to kick me." He crawled out the crater albeit his belly was cramped due to the furious kick. "Shit! Judging by the duration and the speed during the flight, I've flown about a few hundred kilometers, give or take. Right, I have to make a shelter, finding water source and food before anything else! I hope Mei Lan survives the fall though. It would be a shame if she's wasted, I still need her for the sake of my Dual-Cultivation though!"