035: Monarchs of The Huelan Great Forest

The half-reptile, half-insect monstrosity shrieked aloud, searching for its prey. Due to the unforgiving environment, it has evolved into an abomination never written in any records.

Looming over 20 meters tall, the monster trashed the floor and even crushed its unmatched eggs in search of its prey, who has rich and potent Yang Qi Energy.

The lower half of its body resembled a giant monitor lizard that could carry hundreds of eggs at once in its belly. Meanwhile, the upper half has a distinct jet-black appearance, thorny exoskeleton limbs, and sharp claws at the end that could tear the stone like a sheet of paper apart.

As a monster that lived beneath the ground and had no access to a light source, the Xenomorph's Queen had to rely on its appendix to sense heat source. In this case, Yang Qi energy.

It must have sensed Wang Jun's abundant and very potent Yang Qi Energy the moment he was in contact with the Huelan Great Forest on his first day.