039: He's not necessarily evil.

The remaining players who witnessed the sheer strength of these two Godlike players trembled in fear. Even more, the meek cat girl, who was only standing on the side, had finally joined the fray, unleashing her fury on anyone who stood in her way. They were shocked when the Catsith girl was a Level 15 Player who had ridiculous strength and high-combat ability and was no inferior to Wang Jun.

If Wang Jun annihilated his enemies while also terrorising their psyche, Mei Lan, on the other hand, was an unstoppable flurry of storm who shall kill everyone before her eyes indifferently. No one was able to escape their death.

Thirty-eight players lay wasted in less than five minutes, bathed on the battlefield with blood.

Taotao and Jiegei tried to stop her but to no avail. Mei Lan was unstoppable, and they ended up butchered into hundreds of pieces and turned into minced meat in a matter of seconds.