041: She was in urge to do it with him

Wang Jun sat on the chair beside his mother's bed. She was soundly asleep. He rested his elbow onto his thighs and bowed his back down while listening to the heartbeat sensor that filled the room with beeping noises.

He reminisced about his colorful childhood with his mom in his head; the only thing he could remember was the vivid image of her beautiful smile back when he was still in kindergarten.

And then the domestic fight between his mother and father every night that he could hear faintly while he was trying to sleep in his room. Wang Jun didn't understand at that time, he was just a kid, but then as he grew into a teenager, he learned that his father cheated on his wife with a courtesan that he met in a nightclub.

Wang Jun held her hand gently so as not to wake her up. He then looked at her serene sleeping face.

"When was the last time you put a smile on your face, mama?"