081: First 'Real' Date

An hour had passed, Mei Lan and Bai Ning were still in cahoot to make Wang Jun stay hard during the movie. Luckily, his grunts and sighs were masked by the loud sounds in the cinema so nobody noticed. When the movie ended, Wang Jun had nowhere to go except the restroom where he could relieve himself.

'Those bitches are gonna pay for this!' Wang Jun muttered inwardly while washing his hands.

By the time he exited the restroom, Mei Lan and Bai Ning were in a cheerful mood. Sharing a cone of Ice Cream at the food center.

"That was a fast one, wasn't it?" Bai Ning teased.

"Thanks to certain girls who put me on the edge for two hours straight."

"Fufu, glad that you can endure it that long. And I am not surprised if you want to go for another round."

Lascivious thoughts soon entrailed his mind elsewhere. He quickly averted his eyes from Mei Lan, the girl that he fell in love with at the very first sight.