084: Cross-Server

By the time Mei Lan had entered the villa, she couldn't help but notice Wang Jun and Bai Ning's closeness. Though their conversation was somewhat professional, there was a pang of jealousy in Mei Lan's heart. Even the three maidservants were pretty close with him and they could talk freely around him.

However, she was assertive enough to not barge in and listened closely.

Before long, three of them had arrived at the underground bunker where the main core system of the Virtual Insanity was hosted.

Mei Lan was utterly bewildered upon seeing dozens of monitors on the wall and miles of cords slithering on the floor like thousands of black snakes.

Amidst this bunker, three cryo pods had been set up for them. Wang Jun soon knew the reason why he always ended up in his bedroom every time he logged out.

The bald, long-bearded middle-aged man, wearing a lab jacket, arose from his seat and approached them.