A Brave Beta Be Like

Suddenly, Serge heard a unique sound. It was hard to pinpoint, like a whispering wind, a gentle ocean wave, or maybe even a soft moonbeam. But it was calming, brushing away his fear and confusion, helping him think straight again.

With a bit of effort, Serge got to his feet. A little white Chinchilla cat appeared in front of him.

Over time, his psychic incarnation had grown stronger and could get pretty big. He was one of the top students at the beta academy, but right now, he was scared out of his mind. His psychic incarnation was now as small as his courage.

The tiny white kitten, facing the gruesome creature heading his way, puffed up his fur, curved his body, lifted his tail, and let out a sharp meow.

"It's hopeless," Serge thought sadly, "What can a beta's psychic power do in a situation like this?"

He backed away slowly until he felt the cold wall against his back. There was nowhere else to run.